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Metroid Prime 4 Gets Release Date And New Gameplay Trailer

Metroid Prime 4 Gets Release Date and New Gameplay Trailer

Long-awaited sequel finally gets its due

Seven years in the making, Metroid Prime 4 is finally ready for its close-up

Nintendo has finally revealed Metroid Prime 4, and it's now called Metroid Prime 4. The game was first announced in 2017, but Nintendo has been relatively quiet about it since then. However, during Tuesday's Nintendo Direct, Nintendo finally showed off the game's first gameplay trailer, and announced that it will be released on May 26, 2023.

The trailer shows off some of the game's new features, including a new grappling hook ability and a new enemy type. The game also looks absolutely gorgeous, with stunning visuals and a great sense of atmosphere. If you're a fan of the Metroid Prime series, then you're going to want to check out this trailer.

With Retro Studios at the helm, Metroid Prime 4 will likely be another fantastic entry in the overlooked series. The game is set to release on May 26, 2023, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.


The wait is finally over. After seven long years, Metroid Prime 4 is finally on its way. The game looks absolutely gorgeous, and the gameplay looks like it will be a lot of fun. If you're a fan of the Metroid Prime series, then you're going to want to mark your calendars for May 26, 2023.
