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Arce Asserts Authority

Bolivian Coup Attempt Subdued

Arce Asserts Authority

Polarized Nation Faces Challenge

LA PAZ, Bolivia (AP) - An apparent coup attempt in Bolivia has subsided, with President Luis Arce asserting his authority over the military and ordering the arrest of a general.

The incident Wednesday began when armored vehicles rammed the doors of the government palace in La Paz. Arce was inside at the time but was not harmed.

The coup attempt sparked international outcry, with the United States and other nations condemning the action.

In a statement, Arce said he had "full control" of the situation and that the military had been ordered to stand down.

The coup attempt is the latest in a series of political crises in Bolivia, which has been deeply polarized since the 2019 ouster of former President Evo Morales.

Bolivia has a long history of coups, with 190 attempts in the past 200 years.

The latest incident highlights the ongoing challenges facing Bolivia as it seeks to overcome its political divisions.
